Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Whoa! I have a new bed!

So Sam and I went to the Dr. to tell him I wanted to have surgery and take this thing out of me. He asked me when I would like to have it done. I said, "Yesterday." (You all know I'm a patient person.) He agreed. I moved into the hospital the next night and stayed for a week. (Thus the 'I have a new bed' remark.)

They just went in the c-section scar and took out the "mass". It was just some lost endometriosis. I don't know how it got there but things are good. There are enough people here at my house helping me out that I won't have to lift anything and that is the big thing.

Now that you have heard all my medical excitement let me say one other thing. I learned in the hospital how much I appriciate dishnetwork. I hated the hospital's cable. I couldn't tell what was going to come on, when or if my shows were going to happen, if there was any reason but the news to stay up, and even what channels they had. I will never leave dishnetwork again.

I am back in my own bed now and happy to be there, though I have to say that the hospital beds are comfortable to hold my owie in place and my bed isn't built that way. Still, mine has a better teddy bear.


At 3:29 PM, Blogger Julie Castellon said...

Cute comment about the Teddy Bear. I hope you are feeling a little better each day. Just take it easy and remember how happy we are that you don't have cancer, and even though it hurts, we are glad you are still alive to feel that pain. I'm sure that will belp a lot.

I don't have your pic's. Sorry... Can you send them to me again? Thanks!

Love ya!


At 5:19 PM, Blogger Mary said...

Happy recovery! What a relief to get that out and not worry about what it could be.

At 12:41 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I am so glad you are home and ok. I am sorry you are so sore. I am sure having your little ones really helps. Kids are so patient when their moms are sore(not!!) Take it easy and just concentrate on healing. Love ya.

At 8:41 PM, Blogger 8reese said...

oh Jods we are so glad youre home. Take wonderful care of yourself. So you can heal up well. We are all cheering for you.

At 4:02 PM, Blogger ticee said...

Glad you made it home, and I hope you are recovering well!

At 6:56 PM, Blogger itchandscratch said...

Hey Sam and Jodi, I saw your comment on Mary's blog. What's going on with you guys? Still neighbors to the Osgoods? How is Lary Dane?



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