Sunday, December 03, 2006

Moving on...

It's taken me at least 5 minutes to read through all the stuff they are trying to get us to do to update the program and I just don't want to think right now so it was a dangerous thing trying to get through it. I did read the sentence that said if I changed the system I couldn't go back. Good thing huh. Then I wouldn't know how to work either of them.

What a lovely holiday huh. I really had fun out there in Utah and Las Vegas. Slade has learned to say "Viva Las Vegas!" on the way to Vegas. And he's still saying it. Guess who taught him. It wasn't me. But he sure sounds cool. He loved seeing the castle in Vegas and I loved seeing M&M World. I don't know if there was anything Sam or Scott got really excited about. Oh at the end of the day we ate at a Chinese buffet. There is something Sam and Scott got excited about. We had a great day there.

We enjoyed my family. And I was glad to come home to my sometimes clean house. Ticee did so much work keeping everyone together and fun. And it was cool. Okay so, moving on...

My boys have been coughing lately and so I had to come home with them today after sacrament meeting. There are 18 kids in the nursery and they don't need to get sick with the help of my boys. It's weird how much I enjoy the last few testimonies at church.

We also decorated a Christmas tree and the boys are excited about that. We wrapped presents last night. Thirteen books. And the boys were so excited to find presents under the tree this morning. I think it's way cool. And they are just watching- not opening.

Another growing up excitement. Scott is starting to talk. He just says the basics (mom, dad, baby, Jesus, amen, yes, no, ball, cheese, etc.) but there are more basics every week. And I am just proud of him. Slade is going through major potting training stress/ pressure from his parents. We will see how that goes. Anyway. Next time we will see how happy I am about potty training. Off we go to take off the old pull-up.


At 6:54 PM, Blogger Mary said...

What? Scott hasn't said M&M yet? What kind of Wheatley is that one?!?

At 3:42 PM, Blogger Jodi said...

Okay, he's saying M&M, but you wouldn't recognise it if you didn't know him. Kinda "Mum, mum."

At 10:29 PM, Blogger Julie Castellon said...

We did have fun... and a shout out for Ticee and all she did.

13 books? Who are they for? That is a lot of books for two little boys...

Viva Las Vegas Baby!

At 12:55 PM, Blogger ticee said...

I hope your kids are feeling better! We are doing a potty training push right now too. Dayson went one whole day without an accident. The next day he had 2 (one pee, one poop). So far on day 3, he's already poooped in his pants, so we are letting him run naked.


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