Friday, December 15, 2006

Life changes

Life is getting a little more exciting around here. Sam and I went to the Dr. and they found a thing that they say may be a tumor in my abdomen. I think it's crazy because I never felt it or hurt or anything, just had a few cramps. But now they are doing all kinds of tests on me, which is good, to try and find out what it is and find out what to do with it. Crazy huh. What a beautiful thing a body is.

On the other side of life changes, I don't know if Slade is gonna get potty trained before the new year. Oh I hope, I hope. That would be a major life change. Especially for him. We are still working on the whole thing. We go to the potty every hour at this point and he gets so annoyed by the whole thing. I tell him if he would go when he needed to go, I wouldn't make him go every hour. In church one day we were talking about the reasons to repent and one lady said that when you were potty training you had to help the kids understand how good it felt to be dry or they wouldn't want to stay that way. I now associate repentance and potty training, and how overcoming the diaper makes your home happier and thus closer to the Lord. (Yes, I know that's just strange, and it's not really meant spiritually but the comment made sense in the lesson.) Anyway, I hope that life change will come.

Sam's brother is coming in the next week, then his parents and other brother and his sister will all come on Christmas day. How cool is that. I love family and this year has been great. Happy holidays. Okay enough. Pray for me and my tumor please? Thanks much. Later.


At 4:24 PM, Blogger ticee said...

this is quite the holiday season, full of life changes. I hope that everything works out. That's great that Sam's family are going to be out there, so you can have support during this crazy time!

At 3:42 PM, Blogger Mary said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your tummy troubles, we'll keep you in our prayers.


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