Friday, October 06, 2006

Crying over spilled milk- and water

Life gets interesting when a small one is learning to drink from a big kid cup. Scott likes the grown up cups better than sippy cups (and Slade still wants sippy cups- backwards!) and is trying to learn to drink. On Tuesday he drank from his cup really good every meal. We tried again on Wednesday. He is determined to keep his drink at the edge of the table and I kept scooting it in just a little and he kept pulling it out. Well, you guessed it, the cup full of milk got knocked off the table. The milk splashed all over the dining room area, under the table, even into the kitchen. I spent a few whiles wiping it up off the floor. I kept finding more splashes here and there all day. (You know milk doesn't dry clear.) Wow.

Thursday we had a similar experience during breakfast. Scott and his waffle were across the table from me and my glass of milk. Slade had a small bowl full of cereal without milk. So Slade decided that he wanted milk but just chose to have mine and poured my large glass of milk in his small bowl. Guess what- milk all over the table, chair, floor, and child. Slade was a little freaked out. There was another time that a glass of milk got knocked over, I just blocked the story out of my mind- or can't remember it. Anyway, Thursday was a good mopping day.

Thursday Scott also dumped a cup of water on the table and splashed in it and today he tried to pour his own water from the pitcher on the table during lunch. But water is alot easier to clean up.

Sam's sister Jill came over yesterday. Her kids are the best friends ever at our house. They are playing and fighting like nothing else. It's fun to watch and remember. It's like a family party of my family. Everyone spends some time happy and some time angry. We have a great time.

I really should go help Sam with dinner. What a beautiful thing- a husband who will cook when I don't want to. That way he gets to choose what he wants to eat. I did cook the dessert- and it's what I want to eat. I'm sure everyone else will eat it too.


At 3:21 PM, Blogger ticee said...

we are always cleaning up some spilled something or other! Its always hard when little boys try to be big boys. They make alot of messes! Unfortunately, they don't really seem to grow out of that!


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